"Perspective: Robbins Reef" Book Signing this Sunday, September 18!
Perspective: Robbins Reef, the first book ever written about Robbins Reef Lighthouse, is hot off the press and will be available for sale at the Noble Maritime Collection beginning at a book-signing on Sunday afternoon, September 18, from 2 until 4 PM. The book is not only a catalog of the exhibition, Robbins Reef Lighthouse: A Home in the Harbor, it also contains a history of the lighthouse and features the story of Kate Walker, who kept the light from 1886 until 1919.
It would be great to see you at the book signing. Admission to the museum is by donation; the book sells for $25.00.
On the book cover is a detail of Pamela Talese's 2015 oil on panel, The Barbican of the Kill van Kull.