Robbins Reef Trip Report, Thursday, September 6, 2018
Robbins Reef Trip Report, Thursday, September 6, 2018
Crew: Megan Beck, Leslie Petosa, Stephen Galdi, Annie Rech, Erin Urban
Weather: Sun, 90°s, windy
Access: We left Miller’s at 9:15 AM on the Julia Miller piloted by Rob Stumley and came back on the Nicholas with Rob at 2:30 PM.
Purpose of the trip: We wanted to work on the Lantern Gallery exterior—the sides, window casements, and railings. We had to continue peeling poly from the interior doors and varnishing the surfaces. If they held up, we wanted to put UV filters on more of the windows. We needed to keep working on the Watch Gallery hatch cover and had to clean up from the installation of the cover on the kitchen wall.
Task accomplished: Leslie and Stephen scraped, sanded, taped, and painted two exterior sections of the Lantern Gallery. Megan put a coat of paint on the base of the railings up there. Annie worked on removing water-based polyurethane from another door; Megan and Erin sanded two doors, and Megan put a second coat of varnish on them.
The UV filters held up, and Meg put a set on another window; we will make more sets at the museum and cover all the windows. Erin cleaned up from the installation of the cover on the hole in the kitchen wall and worked on removing paint from the Watch Gallery hatch cover.
Leslie and Stephen took a look at ventilation issues, especially in the cellar. We brought out a door to put between the kitchen and cellar and ordered a solar fan for the Watch Gallery door, and will work on installing them next week.
Next steps: We will continue to remove the deteriorating polyurethane from the interior doors applying Man o’ War marine spar varnish to them. Weather permitting we will paint the interior ladder from the Watch Gallery to the fourth level.
We will install a solar fan in the Watch Gallery door and a door to the cellar from the kitchen. We will continue to address the Lantern Gallery by finishing up the painting of the interior window casements and the exterior casements and walls, and paint the exterior of the roof. We will build and install a threshold for the dog door because we have done so much work that is being compromised by leakage from there.
We will paint the exterior walls around the Watch Gallery.