Robbins Reef Trip Report, Thursday, September 20, 2018
Robbins Reef Trip Report, Thursday, September 20, 2018
Crew: Megan Beck, Kevin Mahoney, Eileen Montanez, Leslie Petosa, Annie Rech, Erin Urban
Weather: Overcast, 70°s
Access: Pilot Rob Stumley took us out at 9:15 AM and brought us back at 3:45 PM on the Anthony Miller.
Purpose of the trip: We wanted to work on the Lantern Gallery exterior—the sides, window casements, and railings. We had to continue peeling poly from the interior doors and varnishing the surfaces. We wanted to put UV filters on more of the windows and to keep working on the Watch Gallery hatch cover.
Tasks accomplished: Eileen, Leslie and Kevin scraped, painted and caulked five of the 26 ½ x 35 ½-inch windows in the Lantern Gallery. We have five more to do. Kevin installed a wooden door on the aperture from the kitchen to the cellar. Annie finished sanding down an entry door and worked on the Watch Gallery hatch cover. Megan put the second coat of varnish on the closet doors in the sitting room and put a first coat on the other newly sanded door. She and Annie re-hung the two sitting room doors. Erin assisted Kevin, wire-brushed a flight of stairs from the kitchen to the sitting room, and cleaned up.
Next steps: We will continue to address the Lantern Gallery by finishing the painting of the interior window casements and the exterior casements and walls, and the exterior of the roof. We will build and install a threshold for the dog door. We will paint the exterior walls around the Watch Gallery. We will continue to address the stairs, which need to be scraped, epoxied, primed, and painted. We will meet with Tony Cucurullo, the museum’s HVAC specialist, at the lighthouse to address ventilation issues and, as he advises, install a solar fan in the Watch Gallery door and another in the door from the kitchen to the cellar.