Robbins Reef Trip Report, Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Robbins Reef Trip Report, Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Crew: Ciro Galeno, Jr., Griselda Healy, Josh Pugliese, Erin Urban
Weather: Sunny, 60s, brisk wind
Access: Left Miller’s at 3:45 PM and returned at 5:00 PM on the Julia Miller captained by Joe Ternyila and returned on the Anthony Miller, captained by Carl Hoerning.
Purpose of the trip: Josh will do the brick masonry in the kitchen, thus restoring Kate’s pantry, and needed to see the job. We wanted to see how the lighthouse had fared since our last trip out on January 15, and start bringing paint and supplies back out, check the structure, and do some measuring and planning.
Task accomplished: The place was immaculate, except for signs of some leakage from the Watch Gallery door due to the heavy storm we had on April 15.
Next steps: Josh will line the pantry with bricks, and then we will paint it. He will also repair the two troughs left from the Coast Guard plumbing in the promenade surface. Following that we will have the cellar scraped and cleaned and cover the dirt floor with cement. We will install the three missing port lights on the fourth level; we need expert assistance with that project. We will address ventilation issues as soon as possible, and resume working on the exterior of the Lantern Gallery, providing the wind doesn’t blow the paint off the brushes.
The deterioration of the entire exterior requires that we paint it. It has aged rapidly in the last two years.
We are in need of a carpenter to build a new Watch Gallery door. Any suggestions are welcome. We also need gallon plastic jugs because Josh will need at least 10 gallons of water for the masonry job.
When and if you can, please let Erin Urban know what weekdays you might be available for a Crew date from 9 AM-3:30 PM. If you are not available on weekdays, please let her know that as well; we may have to have a few weekend trips this season.