Robbins Reef Trip Report, Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Robbins Reef Trip Report, Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Crew: Miller’s: George Langer and Dane Devito; Noble Crew: Megan Beck, Eileen Montanez, Annie Rech, Erin Urban
Weather: Sunny, 60s, brisk wind
Access: Left Miller’s at 9:00 AM on the Emily Miller captained by Dane Devito and returned at 3:00 PM on the Nicholas Miller, captained by Dave Steckley
Purpose of the trip: George wanted to install the three port lights. We wanted to address leakage and help with the port light installation.
Task accomplished: We brought out paint donated by John Tretout with which to work on the interior stairs, ramboard, gas for the generator, the port lights, and cleaning supplies. George installed the three port lights. Eileen spent four hours up in the Lantern Gallery working on the frame of one of the leaking windows; she cleaned it out, painted it, and then caulked it. Annie sanded and painted around the one of the port lights; we had had to seal them with wood last fall. She also touched up paint around the rest of lighthouse. Megan and Erin pulled up the ramboard on the fourth deck and Watch Gallery floors and replaced it. It was damp and moldy. Megan put a coat of varnish on the Watch Gallery hatch and reinstalled the Lantern Gallery hatch. We cleaned up.
Next steps: In addition to working on leakage in the Lantern Gallery, and from the door in the Watch Gallery, we are going to have the cellar professionally cleaned. We will finish the Watch Gallery hatch cover and reinstall it. We will install the ventilation fan, which will be powered by the solar panels; they are wired. We have to address the interior stairs and need to design and fabricate shutters for the kitchen windows. Josh Puglesi will soon brick up Kate’s pantry.
The crew of the Katherine Walker is committed to painting the exterior. The deterioration requires that we paint it; it has aged considerably in the last two years. This will require tremendous help from our patrons, Miller’s and Armorica Sales. Miller’s will transport out power washers, water, and an hydraulic lift, which we will rent, and Armorica will donate all the paint we need. We will organize the job and help in all ways possible. They also agreed to scrape and paint the interior stirs.